
connecting to the divine feminine

Monika of Penukonda

Monika belongs to the Divine Mother, Kanaka Durga’s feet. She is a Divine Ma on the planet. She’ll walk and give a lot of wis­dom and clar­ity to bloom wis­dom. This lady will bless mil­lions of peo­ple on the planet. She’s going to do it.
— Sri Kaleshwar
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Monika of Penukonda


Monika trained in Vedic and yogic philosophy with Indian spiritual master Sri Kaleshwar, working closely with him for 15 years to codify, edit and make accessible knowledge from ancient palm leaf manuscripts.

These manuscripts contain a body of wisdom revealed by the ancient sages of India to awaken the divine potential in human beings including the techniques and processes to connect to Mother Divine. Using this knowledge, Monika co-led processes where stu­dents received Mother Divine’s dar­shan.

The manuscripts also reveal Jesus’ life in India; the spiritual practices Jesus and the rishis practiced to achieve their yogic abilities; and the practice that Mary used, The Holy Womb Chakra, to enlighten the child in her womb.

For centuries, this knowledge was available only to rare few. Sri Kaleshwar asked Monika to teach and make this knowledge accessible for Westerners and it is her dharma to bring these teachings and ancient practices to the West.


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She was indescribably beautiful. I never knew such beauty existed. She was absolutely dazzling. There was light coming from all around Her. She was self-luminous.
— Monika on her first darshan of Mother

a message from monika

Connecting to Mother Divine

“The revelations given by the Divine Mother show the specifics of how to connect to Her and have Her darshan. Through darshan with the Mother, we receive consciousness, and supernatural abilities called siddhis.  Then after having darshan of the Divine Mother’s, She begins teaching you, training you in the energy, purifying you and developing your consciousness. 

Fundamental to this knowledge is the concept that we incarnate to realize who we are and then help others to do the same -- servants as enlightened beings. It is an engaged path and requires practice serving and healing others at every stage. Its practice not only encourages but needs the student to become more and more engaged in helping relieve suffering in the world.”

An excerpt from “The Divine Mission” >>

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Monika with Sri Kaleshwar in penukonda, india


shaktipat energy transmission


Fire puja in assisi, italy


Sri chakra archana


mother divine process at the Shirdi baba temple, divine lineage center


Seeing mother with your own eyes



Darshan is the high intensity experience of the Divine Mother taking embodiment to see Her with your own eyes, and communicate with Her. In this life-altering experience, the Divine Mother raises your energy to merge with Her energy. She becomes a mirror to reflect your true self. Being in the Mother’s presence and and experiencing Her unconditional love and bliss, Her energy is always with you and will continue to expand. You are in a relationship with the Divine Mother and She becomes your teacher. She becomes your teacher and guides you chakra by chakra to enlightenment.

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monika at chowdeshwari temple, india

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mother divine statue in india

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after a kali process with Sri kaleshwar, india


My First Darshan with

Mother Divine

“Seeing Her standing there was a shock. The room was filled with light. She stood perfectly poised on a tiger skin. Stepping into the room was stepping into another world, Her world. She was indescribably beautiful. I never knew such beauty existed. She was absolutely dazzling. There was light coming from all around Her. She was self-luminous. She was the source of the illumination and the light was illuminating Her at the same time––She was lit from everywhere. Even though She was this pure radiant light, I was shocked to see how real She was. There is nothing that can prepare you for that. As often as Swami had told us She would appear in a physical form, I couldn’t really comprehend it until I saw Her with my own eyes.”

Read Monika’s full account of her first darshan with Mother Divine >>



what is in the

Palm Leaf Manuscripts

The palm leaf manuscripts were revealed to the ancient rishis (sages) by the Divine Mother. They contain the body of knowledge that Jesus, Mary and Mary Magdalen practiced. They contain a body of ancient spiritual wisdom, a soul science, that gives tools to develop the divine spark in the soul. It reveals how to bring self-healing to transform every aspect of life, discover our purpose, and develop our soul’s healing capabilities so that we can be of service to others. At the core of wisdom is the universality of all religions and spiritual traditions.

Monika researched the information in ancient palm leaf manuscripts in India with Sri Kaleshwar from 1997-2012. Below are just a few of the yantras included in the manuscripts.

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Surrender yourself to me with one-pointed devotion and I will help you discover your true being. Abide in me as I abide in you.
— Divine Mother, Devi Gita


stay in touch


“Every female is an embodiment of the Goddess, whether she is five or ninety-five. With the right practices, every woman can embody the Divine Mother’s energy to the highest possibility.”

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