
Monika during a Sri Chakra process at the Divine Lineage Center

Monika during a Sri Chakra process at the Divine Lineage Center

Monika trained in Vedic philosophy for 15 years in India, working closely with the spiritual master, Sri Kaleshwar. She assisted him in codifying translated knowledge from ancient palm leaf manuscripts that reveal how to awaken the divine potential in human beings. He asked her to make this knowledge accessible and practical for Westerners. Sri Kaleshwar transferred the lineage to her shortly before his mahasamadhi in 2012.

The philosophy of this ancient body of knowledge especially reveals solutions found in the feminine to healing ourselves and our planet. There will be a re-awakening of a reverence for the Divine Mother and the sacred feminine that will restore harmony on the earth.


“The Divine Mother represents the feminine face of God—in every culture, race, or religion. When we connect to the feminine healing power of the divine, a higher collective consciousness emerges. All of nature moves into a higher state of being—women, men, children, plants and animals of Earth, forming a more loving, healthy, peaceful world.” - Monika

Monika's focus is the rise of the feminine in our world and the balancing of the masculine and feminine energies to bring the changes we need in society. It’s important that feminine energy comes forward now to heal and protect this creation. Today, she is devoted to awakening others through the energy of the Divine Mother at the Center in Mendocino County, as well as online broadcasts to a worldwide spiritual community and to all who are interested.

Monika has given Maheshwari Divine Mother initiation around the world. The Maheshwari Divine Mother Initiation is the practice that the sages used to connect to the Divine Mother and experience seeing her, which is called having darshan. Hundreds of people have experienced darshan of the Divine Mother using these techniques.

Monika is Co-Founder of Peace Fires, a global peace movement bringing together people from over 70 countries for synchronized sacred fire ceremonies (pujas) for world peace and healing every Full Moon, Summer Solstice and New Year’s Eve.

divine lineage healing center in california www.divinelineage.org

Peace fires - learn more www.peacefires.org




Kaleshwar, by monika of Penukonda

Sri Sai Satcharitra, a modern rendering by monika of penukonda

ancient knowledge, divine mission
introduction by monika of penukonda

the real life and teachings of jesus christ, sri kaleshwar

the divine mystery fort, sri kaleshwar

victory through vaastu, by sri kaleshwar

The Universal Master

shirdi sai baba the universal master, by sri kaleshwar

Mother Hands Gold

"If you take one step toward the Goddess, She will take ten steps toward you. If you sit and meditate, you will see Her. If you sing to Her, She will dance for you. If you dance for Her, She will embrace you. If you embrace Her, She will enter you. If you enter Her, She will become one with you. The Devi has no choice in this matter, because – again – you are the Goddess, and your choice is Her choice too."

- Sri Amritananda Natha Saraswati